American Fragrances

American Fragrances is the World's first Fragrances based Analytics platform with Moods & Colours. Finding the right scent match in store online platform with shopping options to both wholesale and retail.In the world of e-commerce, some products are a cinch to buy online. Fragrance, however, remains elusive — especially when it comes to taking the plunge with something new. Product descriptions can't tell you whether you'll like a certain perfume, or even, for that matter, how it's really going to smell. What does "a sparkling floral bouquet" or a "sophisticated scent focused on intense femininity" even mean?

American Fragrances is built with the intention of finding a better way to shop for perfumes online. And it's not just online discovery that we are trying to remedy — it's the offline experience, too.

We help people discover new niche fragrances, the kind of scents that one might not even know where to find in the offline world. Occasionally, for little $$s a month, subscribers get sample scents, all stripped of their original branding and packaged in Bergamot's glass spray vials. If the customer likes a particular fragrance, he or she can buy it through the site.

Smelling a fragrance is a necessary step before buying, and these startups are finding ways to recreate that experience online. But they're not only trying to put e-commerce on par with offline shopping — We are trying to do it better, by emphasizing the need to test out a scent over a long period of time.